City Manager unexpectedly resigns.

Joplin City Manager Sam Anselm has resigned. The Council approved the resignation during a closed session Monday night. Anselm, who’s served as the city’s manager since 2014 will continue to collect his $3,000 weekly salary and benefits for the next 7 months if he remains unemployed. The resignation is effective immediately. The city’s health department director, Dan Pekarek, has been named interim city manager.
In a statement sent to News Talk KZRG, the City thanked Sam for his leadership in the city’s recovery following the 2011 tornado.
News Talk KZRG has reached out for additional information, but they declined to comment any further.
Press Release from the City of Joplin:
The Joplin City Council unanimously accepted the resignation of City Manager Sam Anselm during the closed session of the Special Council Meeting held March 11, 2019. Mayor Gary Shaw reassures the citizens that the City is moving forward, and work will continue as usual.
“We would like to thank Sam for his leadership over the last eight years and recognize his efforts in leading the City of Joplin in its recovery effort since the 2011 tornado. Joplin has been recognized across the nation because of its excellent recovery and how it has rebuilt, and Sam has helped lead us through this recovery each step of the way. We wish Sam and his family the very best in their next chapter.”
The terms of a severance agreement were discussed and agreed on in the closing meeting. A copy of the severance agreement is attached.
The City Council appointed Dan Pekarek, Director of the City’s Health Department, to serve as Interim City Manager during this time. Pekarek holds 33 years of service with the City. He serves as chairman of several health-related boards in the community, including Jasper and Newton Counties Community Health Collaborative and Jasper and Newton Counties Emergency Healthcare Coalition. He also is a member of the One Joplin Steering team and One Joplin Health Team.
The City Council will discuss its next steps to hire a new City Manager in an upcoming meeting.
Mr. Anselm will continue to receive his salary of $3040.36 per week for 7 months if he remains unemployed.
See the entire severance agreement here:
Severance Agreement Sam Anselm