Applications to open for new Joplin city council member position

The Joplin City Council held their regular meeting Tuesday night and discussed and approved a resolution that would create a centennial celebration commission.
The 14-member commission will exist through 2026 as officials say there are four major anniversaries in that time, including the city’s sesquicentennial (150th anniversary) in 2023, that need to be coordinated and celebrated.
Other events include the state of Missouri’s bicentennial in 2021, the 250th birthday of the United States and the centennial of Route 66, both in 2026.
The council also approved the resignation of long-time councilman Jim West, who resigned from his position on Saturday. The process to select a new council member will begin immediately with an application process that will be open until Thursday, March 7th. Those candidates who apply will then come to a meeting and speak to the council on March 11th, and the council will make a decision on a new member by March 18th.
Citizens interested in filling the vacant General Seat on the Joplin City Council seat should submit an application to the City Clerk’s office by 5 p.m. Thursday, March 7, 2019. Applications can be obtained through the Clerk’s office on the second floor of Joplin City Hall, 602 South Main Street. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Also during the meeting, two citizens spoke on asking the city for assistance for a 24-hour center to help those recovering from addiction, whether that be to just stay clean for the night or long-term recovery services.
Council also voted to draft a resolution to begin developing a Children’s Discovery Center in partnership with Vision 2022.