The Holiday Express Train is Heading to the 4-States
The Kansas City Southern Holiday Express Train started its journey last week in Shreveport, Louisiana. After stops in more than 20 cities the trip will end Dec. 14 at Union Station in Kansas City, where the six-car train will remain on display through Dec. 18.
It features a smiling tank car dubbed “Rudy,” a gingerbread boxcar, a flatcar carrying Santa’s sleigh, plus a reindeer stable and a miniature village. There’s also an elves’ workshop and even a little red caboose.
Thanks to contributions from KCS’ generous employees, vendors and friends, The KCS Charitable Fund purchases gift cards which are donated to the local Salvation Army at each scheduled Holiday Express stop to provide warm clothing for children in need.
Rudy, the Elves and all the fun will be in the Four-States on December the 7th as The Holiday Express Train makes a stop in Pittsburg, KS. The train will arrive at Elm and Monroe at 4pm. Guests get to visit Santa and tour the train.
You can see the full schedule of stops the train will make at the KC Southern page.